Fallout 4 acr mod
Fallout 4 acr mod

fallout 4 acr mod fallout 4 acr mod fallout 4 acr mod

Although, despite to contributions to Project Nevada in Fallout: New Vegas, the mod creator has been taking time out to play some of the games that he really enjoys. Zealotlee is best known for his ACR mod in Fallout 3. Optics will be available as well.” the mod creator voiced. So far you will be able to choose different barrels, muzzle breaks, stocks, and soon to be grips. Each modification will alter the gun’s performance in some way. “The Rail Rifle will have multiple modifications available. Zealotlee (real name Peter) announced this on Bethesda’s forums, where he revealed that he’s working on a Rail Rifle for the RPG. The popular PC mod creator, Zealotlee, has now announced that he’s working on mods for Fallout 4. These will be made transferable to the Xbox One and, eventually, the PS4. In addition to this, he also mentioned that mods were being created for the PC version of the game. Mods already officially exist for Fallout 4!Īt Bethesda’s first ever E3 conference this year, Todd Howard announced the release of the next in the post-nuclear franchise, Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 acr mod